I'm always scared of shocks

This one is just what it is. Probably not a scammer – more likely a recruiter who got distracted while starting to tell me about a legit job. I saw it a day later, and loved the non-sequitur. So the dialog began.

Here I’m messing with a legit Nigerian scammer!
You don’t need to read his whole email – it’s the usual fare of “a big pile of money, help me get it out of the country, we’ll split it, yada yada.”
The key bit for me is that he signed it with:
Edward Lametek Adamu
Deputy Governor, Corporate Services.
…who is a real guy, and is indeed the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). But this email is signed as if he is the Deputy Governor of Corporate Services for the CBN…which sounds like he’s a mid-level manager in HR, or maybe arranges the buffet lunches for the C-Suite.
And do note his middle name is the irresistibly tempting “Lametek.”

I’ll ask your indulgence with this one. No scammer here. This was one of those 30ish question “Get to know me!” things in Facebook where you answer about your favorite foods, last TV commercial that made you laugh, etc. No sarcasm here, just tried to stretch my imagination a bit. (Presented with apologies…)

I think the lead-in to this one was a poorly phrased, plainly bot-generated glob of words. Dunno.

Just a flight of fancy triggered from something my college friends and I were discussing…